You would think that, by now, an 11-year market rally would run out of gas.
But, a quick look back at the numbers will amaze you.
Look at the following index numbers as of March 2009:
- DJIA = 6,469.95
- S&P 500 = 666.79
- NASDAQ = 1,265.58
- Russell 2000 = 389.02
When you apply simple math – not including dividends paid – you can clearly see how, since March 2009, the DJIA rose over 22,902 points (up 0ver 350%). The S&P 500 rose over 2,879 points (up over 432%). The NASDAQ rose 10,293 points (up over 813%) And the Russell 2000 rose 1,348 points (up over 346%).
Very impressive, indeed.
So, why hasn’t this market crashed like the Guru wannabes have been claiming?
The answer is simple.
In order for the 1% to make fortunes, the 99% have to be wrong.
And for the most part, the 99% have missed The Most Hated Bull Market in History.
11-Year Market Rally Ready to Fade
Under normal circumstances, especially after an 11-year rally, you should expect the markets to consolidate.
However, things certainly aren’t normal these days.
And that’s precisely why you shouldn’t be surprised if this market continues to rise.
And the recent rise has nothing to do with the Big Pharma crime syndicate claims of an effective vaccine being ready.
They conveniently announced it along with the Presstitutes claiming Biden has won the Presidency as another political “look here, don’t look there” move.
If you look closely at the recent moves in the indexes, you’ll see that the NASDAQ and S&P have been getting beaten up. At the same time, the DJIA and Russell 2000 are the big winners.
What does that tell you?
It’s all about capital flight.
And by that, I mean Big Money is moving towards safety.
The Loss of Confidence in Government is increasing.
Read more about it and how to prosper AND thrive in turbulent times in our “…In Plain English” newsletter HERE.
It’s Not Just About Finance.
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