On Friday, Minneapolis reached a $27 Million settlement with the family of George Floyd. And this begs the question: “Why bother with a trial?”
The $27MM is in addition to the record breaking $13.7 Million Floyd’s family received from a GoFundMe account soon after his death.
Do the math.
They’re getting $40.7 million in damages BEFORE anything is settled in court.
Why Bother With a Trial?
Maybe someone well versed in law can explain this to me. But how can there possibly be a settlement BEFORE there has even been a trial returning a guilty verdict?
Or maybe the once fine city of Minneapolis should be charged with jury tampering by issuing a tacit admission of guilt BEFORE the case has been heard?
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, this is political pandering hoping that there won’t be any more riots.
Good luck with that.
However, this begs another question.
What Ever Happened to Ashli Babbitt?
Ask a friend or acquaintance “What ever happened to Ashlil Babbitt?” and they’ll probably say, Who?
But if you ask that same friend about George Floyd, they’ll know exactly who you’re talking about.
Let’s compare the two.
Floyd was a career felon who was high on fentanyl when he was caught in the act of committing another crime.
After fighting with police and resisting arrest, he was filmed with a cop’s knee on his neck lying face down on the ground…allegedly causing his death.
After much controversy, the cause of death was blamed on the fentanyl in his body.
The rest – as they say – was history.
Thousands of businesses were destroyed including billions in damages to cities all around the country.
And many people were senselessly murdered from riots caused by Black Lives Matter and PAntifa groups.
Meanwhile, Floyd’s family had THREE funerals for him during the height of the Covid crisis when having funerals was practically forbidden.
No Riots for Ashli
Ashli Babbitt was a retired 14-year military veteran who happened to be white.
She was shot in the face by a plain clothes Capitol police officer on January 6, 2021 during the protests in DC.
She was unarmed and not rioting.
Two months later we still don’t know the name of the police officer who shot her in cold blood.
As a result Washington police have said the officer is in hiding for his own safety.
Will the Pantifa and Burn Loot and Murder crowd start riots over the white girl?
Don’t hold your breath.
However, the agenda here is clear.
Divide and conquer.
But why?
They want you dependent on government for safety and supposed security.
Are you Connecting the Dots, yet?
Those in charge of running our country (into the ground) are desperate.
They know their plans will ultimately fail.
It’s all part of The Fall of the Cabal.
And you can learn more about it AND how to protect yourself from (HERE).
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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