March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

A Vaccinated and Unvaccinated America

America’s not so favorite, fraud disseminating, vaccine pushing, double/triple mask wearing “so called” doctor Frauduci has said there are now two Americas…a Vaccinated and Unvaccinated America.

This is not a good sign.

But what should truly disturb you is how Fauci – the now-famous Wuhan lab funding tool for the Globalist agenda aka, the Great Reset – is trying to convince you that you’re a threat by not getting vaccinated.

I have two questions for the goof (misspell intended) doctor and his minions who believe in experimental DNA altering vaccines:


  1. If your shot works, why do I NEED one?
  2. And, if your shot doesn’t work, why do I NEED one?


Seriously, you cannot make this stuff up.

In a recent interview – on the equally non-credible Don Lemon’s CNN Panic Hour – Frauduci claimed: “If you are vaccinated, you diminish dramatically your risk of getting infected and even more dramatically your risk of getting seriously ill. If you are not vaccinated, you are at considerable risk.” 

America Divided Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

Maybe he hasn’t taken into consideration how our own natural immune system provides us with a 99%+ chance of survival IF we even get the virus.

Or maybe he isn’t aware that the number of deaths and/or cases of severe side effects from the DNA altering shot are the highest ever in history for vaccines.



Or maybe (Just MAYBE) Dr. Frauduci is continuing to be the mouthpiece for the real criminals behind this man-made pandemic (Cough! Gates, Cough! Schwab, Cough! Soros, Cough!) and will end up as the patsy/fall guy when it all blows up in their face.


There is NO indication that this was a simple lab leak by chance.

And based upon the goings-on behind the curtain, it appears it was INTENTIONAL.

As a result, you should think of Fauci as the perfect goofball who was set up just like Lee Harvey Oswald was in the Kennedy Assassination.

Or, more recently, the guards who claimed they fell asleep during Epstein’s orchestrated suicide.

Battle Lines Being Drawn

The Globalists divide and conquer strategy continues to move us closer to civil war.

Will it be about the Vaccinated vs. the Unvaccinated?

Don’t take the bait.

Instead, learn how these boyz are destined to fail (HERE).

And (more importantly) how to position yourself to profit from this madness (HERE).

Share this with a friend…regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not.

And they’ll thank YOU later.

But also tell them:  We’re Not Just About Finance.



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