When you look at the puzzle pieces surrounding the problems in Ukraine it looks like it’s becoming a perfect time for World War III.
Here’s one of the problems.
Putin is playing chess while the rest of the world is playing checkers.
And he’s probably the smartest leader in the world…by a long shot.
But that doesn’t mean he’s not ruthless, cunning, or strategic.
He’s deliberately NOT attacking cities because:
- He knows the Western presstitutes would love having dead civilians on the streets
- It would serve as a rallying cry
- And he doesn’t want to conquer Ukraine…otherwise he would have already done so
- Putin has clearly stated he only interested in liberating the Eastern provinces which are predominantly ethnic Russian.
However, the comedian, Zelensky refuses to let the provinces become independent.
But at the same time, he passed the Ukrainian language-only law.
Ironically (or NOT) Zelensky is the one violating the human rights by not letting the Russians in Ukraine vote for their independence.
Another problem with Zelensky is he’s pushing his country into a war and refusing any compromise.
Time for World War III?
The question becomes, is he really that stupid or is he doing what he’s being told to do by the Western powers who need a war as a diversion from the Covid narrative?
Let’s compare war tactics.
When America wages war, they seek to destroy all the infrastructure, take down the power grid, and destroy the water supply.
Like they did in Iraq.
And how quickly everyone forgets about the alleged “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” which never really existed.
(Thanks to Colin Powell)
Unfortunately, nearly 35,000 American troops died or were wounded for that fake news.
And there were over 250,000 Iraqi civilian deaths. *
(* Other sources claimed over 1 million Iraqis died in total)
But this presents another problem.
The West is judging Putin by the same way the US wages war…and they are wrong.
IF Putin wants to take all of Ukraine, he’ll want to keep it intact.
It has the richest land in the world for food production.
Anyone who has studied ancient war strategies should see what Putin is doing.
But the Western press is either deliberately putting out propaganda, or they are complete idiots.
And we haven’t even mentioned China’s role.
(Hint…they’re backing Russia)
Nope, this show’s just getting started folks.
And it’s not going to end any time soon.
Hopefully we will avoid World War III.
But in order to do so you need to know your enemy in order to deal with them effectively.
Our March newsletter will feature and article “When, How, and Why Putin Came to Power.” (HERE).
Don’t miss it.
And share this with a friend…especially if they believe we should go to war.
And tell them We’re Not Just About Finance.
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