There was a time when – waiting in the grocery store checkout line – you would see people gawking at newspaper periodicals. And we would call them National Enquirer Junkies.
Those periodicals featured headlines like: “Aliens Abducted Our Son and Dog…but Only Returned Our Son.”
Or: “I Lost Over 300lbs and Didn’t Give Up My Favorite Snacks.”
And as bizarre as those articles seemed, people loved them.
Ironically (or NOT) today’s media has morphed into a roaring 2020’s version of National Enquirer publishing’s.
And the public still loves them.
Maybe it’s because it provides an ongoing “Distraction de Jour” for the peasants to get all worked up about.
Or Maybe people are addicted to gossip like:
- Nancy Pelosi’s husband arrested on DUI charges
- Elon Musk’s latest circus moves
- How Stinky Joe wants to ban guns but it’s okay for his son Hunter to illegally obtain one.
Or maybe Just Maybe the handful of purveyors providing us with this garbage are following the pattern of Ancient Rome’s Bread and Circuses.
Feeding a Nation of National Enquirer Junkies
There’s a great parallel here.
During the decline (and eventual collapse) of the Roman Empire they kept their citizens fed and entertained with Bread and Circuses (read about it HERE).
At the same time the desperate Roman government was collapsing under the weight of its own debt (caused by their overextended Military expenses…sound familiar).
The point is, you can’t keep history from repeating because Human Nature Never Changes.
As a result, most people get caught up in the frenzy of headlines, Social Media, Hollyweird, and multiple fabricated news stories that they become numb to reality.
And the reality is: They Are Lying to You.
In the financial world it’s called “Wash, Rinse, Repeat.”
And it happens every time we have major moves in the market up OR down.
The point is, you don’t need to be a victim of the Bread and Circuses or National Enquirer Junkies club.
You simply need to read our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE) to learn how things operate ‘behind the curtain.’
Every month we show you how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times and how to avoid the most common investor mistakes.
See for yourself (HERE).
You won’t regret it.
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