On the surface the markets appear to be in a classic Short Squeeze.
But is it really FOMO in drag?
For those unaware, FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out.
And a Short Squeeze is when massive buying occurs forcing those who have “Shorted the Market” (SHORTS) into buying back their positions because they are getting squeezed.
For more definitions READ:
Wall Street’s
“Secret Language” … Annoying Acronyms and Time-Tested Truisms (HERE).
So far in 2025, through late February and early March, the major indexes have been beaten and battered.
But recent market activity has pushed those indexes near the plus side with the DOW being the lone winner so far at a measly +0.04%.
And the financial Presstitites are quick to tell you that it is all because they hope Trump dials back his stance on tariffs.
But don’t believe it for a minute.
Because when Wall Street (and their bought-and-paid-for Presstitutes) say they “Hope” something will happen, it’s usually another “look here, don’t look there” tactic.
And in this case, they want you to believe the economy will get stronger and somehow be able to side-step the imminent global recession in 2025.
Short Squeeze or FOMO
Our spider sense tells us this is more likely a Short Squeeze than a FOMO.
And although the temptation is there to BTFD (Buy The Frickin’ Dip…also found in Annoying Acronyms HERE) the “so called” pundits don’t seem convinced.
Besides, it is easier for the Big Boyz to pull off a short squeeze because they have the clout to throw their weight around with HFT’s and high-volume algorithms spoofing* the markets at will.
(*Note spoofing, HFT’s and high-volume algorithms are also explained in our Annoying Acronyms column (HERE).
Meanwhile, Gold is up over 14.5% so far in 2025.
And the Goldbugs are yelling in unison how you need to sell stocks and buy more gold.
But we remind you that the same Big Boyz that spoof the stock markets with their HFT’s and algos are the same Boyz who – in a heartbeat – will spoof the gold market by dumping $2 or $3 billion dollars of gold in one trade.
Why do they do that?
- Because they can
- It is extremely profitable
Unfortunately, the average investor can’t pull off those kinds of stunts.
And even if they could, they would probably go to jail.
But…and this is a very, VERY Big Butt…
The average investor can profit by the Big Boyz manipulations of the stock AND gold markets without getting beaten and battered in the process.
Learn more about the methods used by the Big Boyz and how to turn them into your advantage in our upcoming April edition of “Simplifying Wall Street…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if you suspect they are a victim of FOMO. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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