Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Saturday Rant…Mocking Christianity

Mocking Christianity is nothing new.

But a recent Bernie Sanders rally has managed to plumb new depths of depravity towards Christians.

And today we have HolyRollingRob giving us his $0.25 cents worth (adjusted for inflation).

So, take it away HRR.




James, we’ve known each other for along time…and you know I’m not a violent person.

But when I see people openly desecrating Christianity like they did at the Bernie Sanders rally, the spirit of slap overtakes me.

Seriously, someone should slap the s**t out of these perverts who openly mock us.

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, the media is split after Bernie Sanders, 83, launched his “stop oligarchy tour” with an introduction from a transexual singer who deliberately mocked God, Jesus, Holy Easter, and Christians in general.

The singer uttered such filth that I do not want to repeat it here… but many of the lyrics were extremely sexual and outright profane.

Can you imagine if this message was directed at anyone other than Christians?

 Meanwhile, the presstitutes are cheering Sanders “as the leader of the anti-Trump resistance.”

Sanders is effectively asking the public to boycott democracy and refuse to accept the leader chosen by the people.

Personally, I believe Sanders is a creepy old man with satanic tendencies encouraging all the pronoun perverts to thrive in their dark-side…while they mock religion and worship science.


Over the last four years, people who deemed themselves anti-Biden were considered dangerous potential domestic terrorists.

Intelligence agencies actually monitored such people and they were often prohibited from speaking out against Joe Biden online.

Conservative rallies were closely monitored – unless someone wanted to attempt to assassinate the GOP candidate – and were often compared to Nazi rallies.

So, who seems to be intolerant here?

The woke movement is an anti-Christian movement. Christians cannot express their dissenting views without being perceived as intolerant.

Can you imagine if Trump opened a rally with a singer who sexualized a leader of any other faith?

The newly established White House Faith Office should investigate this rally that urged thousands to mock a religion out of pure hate.

Because the Dems know that the woke agenda angers those who live in reality…which is exactly why Sanders’ rally began with a transexual mocking Jesus.

We Need to Pray for These People…even if we hate their behavior.

Because the Bible says:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

~ Galatians 6:7 ~


Thanks for the Holy Rolling, Rob!

We’re sure there are many others out there that share your beliefs.

And we should pray for those pathetic confused souls.

At the same time, we need to remember that Jesus wasn’t a pacifist…and he taught us by example.



As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you would like to share then please send it to us.


You never know whose life will be affected by it.


And if you want to see some NSFW rants then go (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they think Bernie Sanders is demon possessed.  They will thank YOU later.


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