Under the guise of “Humanitarian Aid” the United States has been funding our own demise.
And today we have Scoob Martin with us to rant on the history of humanitarian aid and how it ran amuck.
Take it away Scooby…
Hi James. And I know I don’t need to tell you how America has been funding its own demise for a long time but thankfully on February 19, 2025 Trump signed the Executive order “Ending Taxpayer Subsidization of Open Borders”
But Trump wasn’t the first to do this.
Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA, P.L. 104-193) in 1996, stating that illegal aliens may not receive federal benefits.
Former President Bill Clinton signed this measure into law and it received bipartisan support at the time.
“Qualified aliens” were permitted to receive benefits after residing in the US for five years.
Then, along came the Biden Administration and completely ignored this law by opening the borders and announcing to the world that anyone who bypassed border patrol would receive a US taxpayer-subsidized easy life.
Translation: We have been funding our own demise.
DOGE is (scratching the surface) still uncovering the magnitude of this injustice that was hidden from public view.
And here’s what really grinds my gears…This migrant crisis is not some organic event where people decided to rush en masse to the US.
Our politicians not only told them to come here to seek sanctuary, but they passed measures to incentivize everyone and anyone to enter America.
And like you are wont to say: This begs the $64 Billion question…Who will pay for these crimes?
Ironically (or NOT) history shows how Rome fell when it stretched itself too thin, bringing in foreigners who had no loyalty to the state, all while its bureaucrats bled the treasury dry.
And it’s not surprising the same pattern is unfolding today.
The government is using taxpayer dollars to house, feed, and subsidize migrants, all while American cities rot from decades of economic mismanagement.
This is not about compassion—it’s about control.
And what most people fail to understand is that this is a deliberate policy decision, not an accident.
The Democrats were importing voters to ensure political dominance, creating an economic burden that will justify higher taxation and more draconian measures on the average American.
As a result, we are witnessing the same strategy that has been used time and again throughout history—when governments lose control, they seek to divide and conquer their own people.
Now that incentives are ending for illegals (Thank God) we are seeing the revoking free housing, shelter, food stamps, debit cards, phones, (and whatever else the Democrats threw in the care package) should discourage newcomers.
The ongoing arrests and deportation measures are costly but necessary. We do not know how many people are here illegally and it is unrealistic to believe everyone will willingly leave.
Oddly enough, opening the border was a complete violation of human rights for not only the American people but for the migrants as well.
Let’s hope the deportations continue to increase.
Thanks, Scooby, for another great rant.
And I’m sure we have plenty of readers who will agree with you.
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you would like to share then please send it to us.
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Share this with a friend…especially if they think deportations will help MAGA. They will thank YOU later.
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