As the cockroaches begin to come out of the woodwork in the White House, the Presstitutes no longer feel that they must protect Joe Biden anymore. In other words, his mental health cover-up is uncovered.
Cue Up: Most media presstitutes at large.
Because at this point, we are seeing a torrent of stories exposing how Biden’s mental decline was handled for four years from none other than The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and even the New York Times.
Not surprisingly, they are all circling the water like a pack of starving sharks who smell blood.
And it’s not just the presstitutes.
O’Biden’s entire Cabinet (cockroaches) is charged with “sounding the alarm” as to his unfitness and then taking the appropriate remedy to remove him from office (coaxing him to resign etc.).
Ironically (or NOT) in the process, they exploited this situation, and committed a myriad of War Crimes while hiding behind a “sign off” from Biden.
(BTW, that’s Treason, in addition to the war crimes.)
Cover-Up Uncovered
But despite the last four years of cover-up, the dominoes are falling quickly.
And we now have the media rushing in with stories they should have reported years ago.
Adding insult to dementia injury, operatives are also are piling on.
If this keeps up, this scandal is likely to have long-term devastating consequences…Like the total destruction of the Democrat party.
But why should anyone be surprised.
WE have chronicled how the presstitutes lied about Biden’s health…
- And Russian Collusion.
- And Covid.
- And PCR Testing.
- And Masks.
- And Hunter’s Laptop.
- And Climate Change.
- And January 6th.
- And Ashley’s Diary.
- And Ukraine.
- And Epstein.
- And 81 million votes.
- And Hollywood Pedophilia.
- And Pizzagate.
- And advance press questions.
- And everything in between…
As a result, we conclude that the only reason they still have any viewers is because there are a lot of intellectually challenged creatures of habit out there.
Question: If the presstitutes are now admitting what we have known for over four years (about mental decline) will this affect and/or possibly void all the O’Biden’s pardons given so far?
Enquiring minds want to know.
At this point it would be interesting to see some group convene a Nuremberg like trial to show the American people what the O’Biden Regime has done.
The German people were shown…and they LEARNED!
And a lot of people went to prison.
But don’t hold your breath.
In the meantime, with only six trading days left in 2024, we encourage you to consider raising cash.
Go back and read our December 12th post The Dirt is In the Details (HERE).
And follow that up with the Bank Secrecy Act Was Weaponized So Government Could Spy on Americans (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they supported the O’Biden regime at any point in the last four years. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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