Financials Matter

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Religious Freedom Falls in Ukraine

When religious freedom falls it’s time to prepare for the worst.

And Ukraine wants to lead the way down this mine field after they put a ban on their main religious body, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).


Their reasoning???


They say because the church maintains links with the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow.


As a result, church seizures and arrests of clergymen by the state is on the rise…but no one is screaming about it.


And it assures that the little pimp Zelensky is now waging war, not just on the Russians, but on Orthodox Christians within Ukraine.


So, why haven’t we heard much from the Pope?

Or, the better question is “What Would Jesus Do?”




Sadly, this is Ukraine’s “Democracy” they insist we must defend.


This begs the question…


“Why is even one cent of our tax money going to a place that closes down political rivals AND churches?”



It’s Not Just Religious Freedom Falling



Sad to say, with Zelensky we’ve seen no elections and now he is banning Christianity.

No wonder our government loves Ukraine so much.


And we are looking a lot more like Ukraine as we get closer to our November Election.



Can They Take the Presidency Without an Actual Election?


And/Or Will They Rig it Again?


It’s in our October newsletter (HERE).


And if the media Presstitutes dared to cover this it would be labeled as a mostly peaceful genocide of Christianity in Ukraine.



How Quickly We Forget Atrocities of War



There were over 1.5 million Christians living peacefully in Iraq before Bush’s Haliburton War destroyed their communities.

And then Obama handed Iraq over to Iran’s Shias where religious purges ran amok…and now only about 100,000 Christians remain.


So, if you think Ukraine banning Christianity is an isolated incident, then get ready because Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for governments to BAN the BIBLE and issue a ‘Fact-Checked’ version without God.


We cover more in our October “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).


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