October 16, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

When Former Presidents Support Kamalama

With only three weeks left before the election it will be interesting to see how the markets respond when former presidents support Kamalama.


Cue Up:  Obama’s recent pathetic attempt to shame black voters in Chicago to vote for Kamalama because she’s black.


Hint:  No one told Obama that she is NOT black…LOL! …and that he is half-white.





And adding insult to injury Kamalama even has Bill Clinton and Joe O’Biden endorsing her.


Ironically (or NOT) both former presidents (and the one not-yet former president) support has been met with derision and anger from their target audience.


In Obama’s case the resentment came from the Brotha’s.





And in Clinton’s case it the resentment came from liberal women resenting men for any reason.





And as Brandon tries to figure out whether he has any significance anymore, resentment for his endorsement/sabotage comes directly from Kamalama with an ironic twist regarding career-politicians.






The Markets…and Former Presidents



In the past we have said how the markets don’t like uncertainty.

And now that former presidents are failing miserably to allegedly support Kamalama, you should expect the markets to become even more erratic before the election.


So don’t be surprised if an unexpected event takes place sending the markets roiling…and the guru’s crying:  “I’m Shocked, I tell you…Shocked!  Who could have foreseen this happening?”


Meanwhile, Brandon continues to show how there is no love lost between him and his replacement.





Ironically (or NOT) Trump doesn’t seem to have the endorsement of any former presidents.

And, quite frankly, that’s a good thing.


Because based on his proven record of achievements he does not need their support.


Unfortunately, his opposition will still try to blame everything from hurricanes, to the border problems, to Ukraine, on Trump while accusing him of being a racist.






Be sure to remember this on November 5th.



And be sure to position your investments for increased volatility by reading our October issue of …In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if former presidents opinions mean something to them.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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