October 16, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Will Google Be Broken Up?

Now that the Department of Justice (DOJ) cannot find any more reasons to indict Trump, they are now focusing on whether Google should be broken up.


In a new court filing, the DOJ announced that it may recommend a break up of Google (GOOG,) as an antidote to unhealthy competition in the search engine market.




These people really believe we are stupid.


Because after all these years they are deciding that NOW is the time to go after Google?


In Case You Missed it…the last time these losers (the DOJ) tried to break up a tech empire was more than two decades ago with Microsoft (MSFT).


That did not work out to well.


Because back then MSFT was $25 per share.

Today it is $417 per share.


And the same thing will probably happen with Google.




They (GOOG) are – and have been – in bed with the Boyz running the White House for decades.


And the Boyz are not about to undermine their greatest source for spreading propaganda.



Be Broken UP?



But seriously, if Google were to be broken up it should be because of their stupidity.



Remember when Google recently created an AI that wiped white people from history?

And they responded with “Woops, that’s diversity” and never really explained what happened.


And does anyone else find it fascinating that they used the word “Diversity” …a word whose very definition means ‘difference,’ to convince everyone we are all the same?




Yes, they really do believe we are stupid.




  • Google Admits “They Messed Up” (HERE)
  • Saturday Rant… Google AI Disaster (HERE)
  • Google’s Anti-White Bud-Light Moment (HERE)



And, BTW, thinking we are stupid is nothing new because back in 2005 even Hillary boasted that her own voters are stupid.





So now the bought-and-paid-for Presstitutes will try to convince you this move by DOJ will send a signal to other tech giants currently facing antitrust cases from DOJ and other Washington regulators.

Even more laughable is the alleged wide-ranging effort by the O’Biden administration to rein in what it views as anticompetitive behavior across several industries.


Ironically (or NOT) one of the first industries broken up by the DOJ/Supreme Court was the Rockefeller control of oil (Standard Oil) way back in 1911.


They Survived


As a result, the Rockefellers made a vow to seek vengeance on the US government.

As a way of “diversifying”, they got into the pharmaceutical industry.


And they began to fund major universities focusing on Ivy League schools and specifically their medical schools.

Their major funding allowed them to dictate to the Universities what to teach medical students and how to implement pharmaceuticals for treatment.


Translation:  They bankrolled what doctors (and everyone else in the medical industry) were taught and how to approach medicine while simultaneously creating drug companies to supply them with a never-ending stream of revenue.


But that’s another story for another time.


So, it will be interesting to see how the assault on Google affects the Big Tech Boyz and their Artificial Intelligence wannabe companies going forward.





Don’t get caught in their AI hype.


Instead, learn how investors are being set up for a crash in our October edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they own GOOGLE.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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