October 16, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

When Will Gold Break $3,000?


It is no longer a question of will gold break $3,000, it’s a question of when.


In Case You Missed it…Gold is up over 31% year-to-date.


And there are not many other asset classes that can make that claim.


As expected, the goldbugs are saying gold will go to $26,000.

But, then again, they have been saying that since 2010.


Ironically (0r NOT) we will not go back to a gold standard.

Because if you priced gold in terms of how many dollars are in existence, physical, digital, or otherwise; gold would be valued well over $52,000 an ounce.


And that ain’t gonna happen any time soon.


But why is gold breaking out to the upside and pushing the $3,000 level?


The simple answer is the war in the Middle-East involving Israel.


Adding gasoline to that fire, Neocon Supreme, Anthony Blinken has been threatening not just Russia, but China, North Korea, and Iran.


War historically causes central banks to “circle the wagons” and this time is no different.


They all have been buying gold – especially this year – and they all want to implement digital currencies as early as 2025.


And for that reason, most of the goldbugs believe gold will be unstoppable.

Unfortunately, the goldbugs (and most other investors) fail to recognize that for anything to be a bull market, it must be rising in terms of all currencies.


And, so far, that is not the case.

In fact, we have guru wannabes hollering that the dollar is crashing or going to crash soon.


READ:  Dropping the Dollar is Hazardous to Your Health  April 11, 2023 (HERE)



But Will Gold Break $3,000?



Yes, gold will break $3,000.

And, based on its momentum, it could happen in the next few weeks…possibly next week.


Keep in mind our dollar is weak because of the uncertainty surrounding our election.

Because, if Kamalama wins it leads to war, higher taxes, and a steep decline in the economy.

And if Trump wins, he will lessen those trends.

But he cannot stop the recession that’s already in motion.


And if the Neocons screw up another assassination attempt on him, they will simply trap Trump into a war they will start before January.


In the meantime, be careful if you are considering buying gold…especially if it breaks above $3,000.


It could be a major high that could suggest manipulation and then “BAM” it gets spanked down 20% in a heartbeat.


But if it does drop 20%, then…as the expression goes “Back up the truck.”

The same holds true for the Gold and Silver mining stocks.


Read which ones offer the best upside in our October “Short and Sweet Tips” column (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they are finally ready to buy some gold at $3,000 or above.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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