Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

We Didn’t Predict Assassination, But…

We didn’t predict an attempted assassination on Trump…actually, we did…kinda, sorta…saying it would be the only way the dems could stop him from running.

But In Case You Missed it… last week we posted an email about a panic cycle in July and possibly September.


…(American citizens have every right to feel outraged.

As a result, we’re expecting a panic cycle in the markets possibly this month or by September.)



READ:  Helping Illegal Immigrants to Vote  July 11, 2024 (HERE).


Suffice it to say that panic cycles come in all shapes and sizes.


And are usually unexpected by most.


But, at the same time, panic cycles open the doors for opportunities (good AND bad) that most people will not see until it’s too late.


As a result of the failed assassination of Trump, you can expect the gun grabbers to come out in full force along with the Great Reset Boyz who will use this event for them to declare Marshal Law.


Cue Up:  Uber Creepy and hateful Steven King (who makes money from the horror films he dreams up) blaming Republicans for the shooting and NOT the Shooter.





As always, and according to them, it is never the people; it is the gun’s fault.


These people are so full of hate for Trump that they are blind.

And they are unable to say why except for their favorite saying… “Because he’s Trump.”


And speaking of hatred, a staff member of Democrat Bennie Thompson, who wanted to remove Secret Service protection from Trump, posted on Facebook, “Don’t miss next time.” 


People like that reminds you of Kathy Griffin holding up a bloody decapitated Trump head.



Couldn’t Predict This





Whether the assassination attempt was real or staged, this photo will be remembered forever in American History.


Trump is defiant.

He senses the crisis we face.

The man who tried to kill Trump failed, but he did create a moment that will be remembered for eternity.


This is rapidly becoming the indelible image of not just Trump’s campaign but also of our politically torn society.





Unfortunately, this has brought us to the very edge of political crisis and conflict.

And it looks like it will get worse as we get closer to the 2024 election.

It’s also confirmation of what we’ve been saying for over 2 years about the election:


“Regardless of who wins the next presidential election, the opposition will NOT accept the results”


Yes, Panic Cycles are real.


And this portends to be a major one.


We didn’t predict this specific event but it will be interesting to see how the markets respond in the coming weeks.


Stay tuned and be sure to read our July issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) to learn how to protect your investments in a Panic Cycle.


Share this with a friend…even if they still hate Trump.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:

We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.





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