Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Helping Illegal Immigrants to Vote


In case you missed it…the White House announced that O’Biden will veto a Republican bill that seeks to prevent non-citizens from voting.


Essentially, they are helping Illegal immigrants to vote.





There is no hiding it now…it’s out in the open.


O’Biden and the Democrats want illegal immigrants to vote in the November election.


Translation:  Our elections are NOT SAFE from mass interference.


And if states do not require proof of citizenship to vote, you can rest assured there will be a mass turnout of illegals voting.


The Republicans bill H.R. 8281 or the SAVE Act would update the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

And make proof of citizenship a require to vote in the US election.


It seems straightforward and reasonable because one must be a citizen to have a say in the direction of the country.


House Republicans believe a photo ID, birth certificate, passport or any government document stating that a person is indeed a citizen would suffice.


Ironically (or NOT) this bill would also remove non-citizens from voter registration rolls and require elected officials to ask voters for proof of US citizenship before voting.


And the bonus part is that Migrants attempting to vote illegally could be deported under this law.




That’s not how the O’Biden handlers see it.


They desperately need the illegals to vote…especially after the disastrous debate.



Helping Illegal Immigrants to Vote…



In Case You Missed it… last year, Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office “accidentally” sent 30,000 registration notices to noncitizens.


The forms were distributed in English and Spanish, but Griswold swore it was a mistake.




How do you “accidentally” send out 30,000 registration notices?


These people really believe the average citizen is so stupid that they don’t suspect any foul play.


And they continue to count on the Bought-and-Paid-For Media Presstitutes to continue deceiving the public.

Speaking of which, the media whores keep up their deception by acting as if they did no wrong.

And at the same time, they say things like…


“Okay, Mabey we lied about Biden’s health:”


  • And Russian Collusion
  • And Covid
  • And Hunter’s Laptop
  • And Climate Change
  • And January 6th
  • And Ashley Biden’s Diary
  • And Ukraine
  • And Epstein
  • And 81 Million Votes
  • And Hollywood
  • And Pizzagate
  • And Everything Else in Between…



“But trust us when we tell you that Trump is a threat to our democracy!”







They have officially reached the status of a bad lie.


And they are very committed to repeating the lie.


American citizens have every right to feel outraged.


As a result, we’re expecting a panic cycle in the markets possibly this month or by September.


So, be sure to read the July issue of …In Plain English” (HERE) to learn how to hedge against the Wall Street Banksters.

Share this with a friend…especially if they are against helping illegal immigrants to vote.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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But we use our 114+ combined years of experience in the Financial World to give you hope AND expose corruption ‘Behind the Curtain.’








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