Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Saturday Rant…Russian Nukes in Cuba?


It’s truly amazing how our Presstitutes ignore the fact that we now have Russian nukes in Cuba.


Wait, What?


There’s nothing like another Cuban missile crisis raising it’s ugly head.

Only this time the nukes are real.


One of our favorite ranters (Scoob Martin) has chimed in on this one.


So, take it away Scooby!



Hi James, and I know you didn’t miss it, but the newest Russian nuclear submarines of the World – carrying hypersonic missiles, that nothing on Earth can stop – are peacefully resting at Cuba and cruising the outskirts around Europe.

Putin is definitely making a statement here.

 And it’s loaded with irony as the West has violated our peace agreements with Russia and consistently moved more weaponry closer to the Russian border.

But no one said a word when Ukraine and NATO moved all those Missiles closer.

So why are they upset because a Russian Sub and Warships are only 90 miles from the U.S. Coast?

And In Case You Missed It… North Korea rolled out the red carpet for Vladimir Putin’s recent visit, where the two nations pledged to protect one another if attacked.


Ironically (or NOT) the one country Japan fears more than Russia is North Korea.


North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un repeatedly threatens nuclear warfare, but that is his last grip on power.

Because he knows his nation would be overtaken instantly if the threat did not exist.

And in his meeting with Putin, Kim pledged “full support and solidarity with the struggles of the Russian government, military and the people” and will help Russia “to protect its own sovereignty, safety and territorial stability.”


Sounds like a true Bromance between Putin and Kim.

And that can’t be good for the rest of the world.

Especially when you factor in the other elephant in the room…CHINA.

Putin understands the West is the aggressor here.

And he has pushed to deploy their S-500 anti-aircraft missile system to defend from NATO’s aggression.

At the same time, he has positioned nukes in Cuba and God knows how many Russian warships in the vicinity.

My question is:  Why aren’t the Presstitutes making a big deal about this?

And I’m confident the answer is that they are simply doing what they are told to do by the Neocons running the country.

In the meantime, Blinken and his Neocons Boyz continue to put more sanctions against Russia.

Why do they do this?

Sanctions have never worked in the past but now, suddenly, they will work?

The only explanation I can come up with is that the sanctions imposed on Russia is basically saying that if you don’t obey the commands of Blinken and company, then you will be punished and removed from the global economy.

Nukes in Cuba is a chess move that hopefully won’t need to be used.

And hopefully it will force the idiots pushing us closer to nuclear war to simply come to their senses.

God help us if they don’t




Thanks, Scoob.


You and Boris should team up with a rant for our readers as you both have great insight into the potential dangers we are facing.

And those dangers (in addition to Putin) include many of our own politicians… (Cough! war monger and sissy Lindsey Graham, Cough! Cough!).


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They will thank YOU later.




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