Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Do You Still “Trust the Science?”


Have you ever wondered why we don’t hear the elitist telling us to “Trust the Science” anymore?


Anthony Fauci was the face of “The Science” that we (normal citizens) were required to trust blindly…or risk being labeled a ‘conspiracy theorist.’ *


(* Note: we’ve been called conspiracy theorists for many years…and we’ve been right almost every time)


In Case You Missed it…Fauci has been revealing damning truths during his trial with the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic who is demanding answers (we called it the CoronaHoax from the beginning and labeled Fauci as Frauduci).


Frauduci first revealed that there was absolutely no scientific evidence that showed social distancing would work.

And now, Frauduci admitted that school closures were a “mistake.”


Ironically (or NOT) Frauduci previously admitted that he had no idea where the six-foot social distancing rule came from.


And, again, there is NO EVIDENCE stating that it was ever a reliable safety measure.


“It just sort of appeared, I don’t recall” he told the panel regarding social distancing… “Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”




They (elitists) really do believe we are all that stupid.



Trust the Science



However, the world was required to abide by these stupid rules, which led to the shuttering of millions of businesses because it was not possible to maintain these imaginary guidelines.


Adding insult to injury, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pandemic mastermind Dr. Frauduci forced schools to close.


Yet, Frauduci said:  “I had nothing to do with it. I mean let’s get down to the facts…”


This liar continues to revise history by stating that he never mandated school closures.


And yet he said:  “Shutting down everything immediately – and we didn’t shut it down completely – but essentially major social distancing and even schools was the right thing.”


We’re not saying we told you so…well…maybe we are…kinda, sorta…


But back in 2020 we said how worldwide governments were in on the elaborate plot to seize power under the premise of a deadly virus.


READ:  Want Answers to CoronaHoax? Follow the Money  May 11, 2020 (HERE).


The Big Pharma Boyz were in on this plot, benefitting in a major way, and were provided immunity.


And now (not surprisingly) we are seeing more deaths from the vaccine than from the actual virus.


Trusting Science Led to V for Vendetta


Hmmm! The movie V for Vendetta comes to mind here.


Health organizations and their mouthpieces became dictators who forced us to abide by their every whim.


And, of course, the Presstitutes were in on this plot and condemned everyone and anyone who dared to question “The Science.”

The world was placed on house arrest, and helpless to act as society crumbled around us.


Are you pissed off yet.


Bottom line here?

Those responsible must be held accountable to ensure this NEVER happens again.


Be sure to remember this when they tell you how the Bird Flu is back with a vengeance…and you must take a new vax.

Share this with a friend…even if they took the vax and criticized you for not trusting the science.  They may or may not thank you later.


And tell them:


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.


P.S.  If you like this kind of article, be sure to read our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).



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