Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Memorial Day is NOT Labor Day

Every year, countless people confuse Memorial Day with Labor Day, or even Veteran’s Day.


Each day is special.


But the reason Memorial Day is special is because it was established during the Civil War and it honors those who have died in military service for the U.S.


Ironically (or NOT) Memorial Day is often associated with ushering in the unofficial start to summer.


At the same time, Labor Day (the first Monday in September to honor the nation’s workers and their contributions to the well-being of the country) is the unofficial end of the summer.


And Veteran’s Day is an opportunity to thank all who have served in the armed forces as opposed to all that have died.


So, now that we have established the differences, we want to dedicate today’s post to honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives for our nation.





And we pray that our Resident Brandon does not make a mockery of this holiday (like he did with Easter) by declaring some kind of tribute to studying Transgender Animal Fornication.


READ:  Saturday Rant…Transgender Animal Fornication (HERE)





So, today, as you fire up the grill for hotdogs, hamburgers, and all the fixins,’ or hang out at the beach, lake, river, or friends and neighbors party, remember this:



As bad as things are in this country – and there is no denying things are bad – we still live in a nation where everyone still wants to be here.

And that’s because far too many brave men and women gave their lives so that we can enjoy freedoms that others will never know.



From the entire staff at we wish you a very happy Memorial Day.

And to all the families who lost loved ones in military service, we thank and honor you too.


Share this with a friend…especially if they don’t know why we celebrate Memorial Day.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.


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