Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Why Memes Reveal the Truth

At FinancialsMatter, one of our goals is to reveal the truth about how the financial world operates “Behind the Curtain.”




Because most investors are clueless as to how Wall Street really operates.

As a result, most investors lose money.


And although we publish daily posts, special reports, and our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE), we have found that using memes is one of the most effective ways to educate people of all ages.


We say all ages for several reasons:


  1. Older people are more prone to read more content…but enjoy memes
  2. Younger people have a much shorter attention span…and prefer memes to content
  3. Humor/satire crosses all age barriers
  4. People of all ages enjoy laughter
  5. Memes can provide a sense of community



And the rapid rise and spread of political memes is a sign that social media has become the new town square…another form of community.


So, what qualifies as a meme?


An internet meme is any image, phrase, video, or other electronic material that people enjoy replicating, sharing, or reinterpreting to share with others.


The power of a meme lies in its simplicity.


And some memes are universal and can be applied to multiple subjects.


That’s why we see the same popular memes used over and over again.









Ironically (or NOT) in politics, memes can circumvent the multimillion-dollar world of consulting and advertising.


And we’re seeing how they can be used (among other things political) to influence elections.


Cue up:  Trump, Biden, Social Justice Warrior, political events, reminders of what we lived through in the last four years memes.








How To Reveal the Truth



Unlike advertising, memes don’t try to sell you a product.

And they don’t promise you anything.


But the first and most important reason why memes hit deep is because they are usually REVEAL THE TRUTH!


It’s very very hard to create a meme with a lie.




A meme must be simple and understandable.


Ironically (or NOT) the truth usually IS simple and understandable.


But some people criticize memes saying they are a waste of time.

For that reason, we present you with the following meme.







And one of the hidden secrets about memes is how they can be rebranded over and over again to the point where you look forward to seeing a new twist on an old theme.






So, what does this have to do with the Financial World?


Find out in our March issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they understand the importance of memes.

They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance (AND MEMES) to give you hope






Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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