In Case you missed it, in addition to yesterday being the first day of summer it was also a celebration of Greta Day.
Five years ago (June 21, 2018) an autistic teen age girl, meteorologist, oceanographer, and “climate change” authoritarian predicted that the world would end by June 21, 2023.
As expected, it was a non-event.
But five years ago, world leaders wanted you to believe that Greta Thunberg was the voice of the planet’s fear of destruction.
Kinda like Al Gore on steroids.
The weather was all anyone could focus on.
And this reminds me of one of my many favorite quotes from Mark Twain:
“Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.”
And thanks to people like Greta, today people talk about the weather more than ever before.
But just like in Twain’s Day “…nobody does anything about it.”
The exception is how the climate change zealots try to use the weather to increase your taxes AND cause food shortages.
And do you remember, how one year ago, we saw the random mass death of 10,000 cows in Kansas because of heat?
Who profits from this?
Maybe it’s people like Bill Gates promoting his “Synthetic–Meat?”
As we mentioned above, the weather is one of the great distractions amplified by the Boyz in the “Club” so you don’t see how they are using it to manipulate prices and commodities.
Greta Day and Other Distractions
Bottom line?
It’s all about distractions.
So instead of talking about the weather or celebrating Greta Day, learn how to take advantage of what severe weather conditions do to certain stock prices (HERE).
This will enable you to trade with the Boyz instead of trading against them.
Remember: the 1% needs the 99% to be wrong for them to make fortunes at your expense.
Do not be their victim.
Instead, see how it all works “Behind the Curtain” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they like to ask you about the weather in your area.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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