Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

My Guns, My Choice

If you’re offended by a statement like My Guns, My Choice then you shouldn’t read any further.

First of all, this isn’t a rant about guns.

Well, maybe it is…kinda…sorta.

But it is our way of highlighting and/or countering the false narrative/gaslighting the Whores-Of-Babble-On presstitutes try to jam down your throat 24/7 about guns.

Suffice it to say this email could be construed as inflammatory.

And will most likely be met with fact checkers censors that don’t want you to see how our 2nd Amendment is being attacked…again.

So, to avoid these Orwellian tactics against our right to free speech we’re going to put out a FREE special report titled “We Don’t Need Gun Control…We Need Politician Control.”

It’s about evil and how it’s infiltrated and become a stronghold in the highest offices in our nation and around the world.

So, be on the lookout for a notification in your email about when it’s published…and it’s FREE.

In the meantime, here’s a sample of what you can expect…




Social Media Pictures of Uvalde Shooter that the Media DOES NOT Want You to See







Instead of Screaming Gun Control, How About Answering the Following…





When They Try to Play the Jesus Card, Remind Them…





When You Can’t Prove He Was a Trump Supporter





Their Rules Are Designed With a Purpose





What Started As a Meme Has Become a Reality







The Simplicity of Programming Those Who Can’t Think for Themselves is as Follows…






History Proves this Truth EVERYTIME








Once Again, History Proves this Truth EVERYTIME








This May Sound Like a Broken Record But…








When You Expel God from Schools, Expect the Devil to Take His Place







Guns Are Not the Problem…Evil People/Politicians Are…








Share this with a friend…regardless of what they think about Gun Control.

They’ll thank YOU later.

At Financial$Matter We’re Not Just About Finance.

We simply use finance to give you hope.

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