Just when you thought we were safe from distraction and disinformation, along comes the Supreme Court leak.
Oh, Wait!
I forgot to mention that the entire Roe v Wade resurgence coincidentally (or NOT) surfaced immediately after several cage rattling events took place:
- Elon Musk buying Twitter
- O’Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board announcement
- Nina Jankowicz (the Queen of Disinformation) was announced by the DHS as the new leader of the Disinformation Governance Board.
- Dinesh D’Souza’s release of his new movie 2000 Mules
Ironically (or NOT) Musk is old news.
But when the DHS creates a group, committee – or some other creepy entity – it’s for the purpose of being able to prosecute, silence, and/or attack anyone they choose to target.
Compliments of the Baby Bush Patriot Act.
D’Souza’s 2000 Mules movie was immediately met with widespread censorship, mostly by social media giants.
And government-controlled media’s (Cough! YouTube, Cough! Cough!) were very clever how they censored this movie.
Instead of outright censorship, they posted a message saying “This content is no longer available because the publisher is in violation of standard business practices.”
Translation: In Plain English “See, we’re not the bad guys for banning this movie. Instead, the real bad guys are the ones that want you to see 2000 Mules.”
The Supreme Court Leak
Over the weekend and after digging around I found and watched 2000 Mules.
And would strongly encourage you to view it before it somehow conveniently disappears.
Follow this link on Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/embed/2000-Mules-(2022)/43867cdc472c7769cf9159b124530f499d448dda
The story line is based on the thousands of MULES (similar to drug cartel Mules who transport contraband for the Drug Lords) who stuffed millions of illegal ballots to steal the 2020 election.
Among the multitude of emotions you’ll have watching this movie, you will conclude that there is no limit to the extent of corruption and evil these people working ‘Behind the Curtain’ are using to destroy our country.
Strong words?
You Betcha.
In fact, we’ll offer up another “conspiracy theory” regarding the Supreme Court Leak.
Maybe it’s just a coincidence that all these events happened at once.
Or Maybe the Supreme Court has been corrupted for many years.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, a recently appointed judge – who can’t figure out what a woman is – was the perfect candidate to pull off this stunt.
Any way you shake it the resurgence of Roe v Wade is drawing battle lines across the country.
Just as it’s intended to do.
Do yourself a favor.
Watch 2000 Mules and decide for yourself (HERE).
Because the new “Ministry of Truth” will certainly justify shutting it down.
A hat tip and thanks to Dinesh D’Souza.
Share this with a friend…regardless of what they think about Roe v Wade.
They’ll thank YOU later (HERE).
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