For those of you old enough to remember the OPEC crisis gouging of oil prices (early 1970s), it should be obvious that systemic inflation is returning.
Only this time it’s about Covid.
The OPEC price shock created inflation for everything that relied on cheap oil.
Ironically (or NOT) people today are still clueless when it comes to realizing how much we depend on the usage of oil… (cars, plastics and almost anything we use on a daily basis).
OPEC set in motion a systemic wave of inflation.
Systemic Inflation in 2021
And, thanks to the CoronaFraud lockdowns, we are witnessing a repeat of that inflation today.
As a result, most people are clueless to the fact that the shutting down of the world’s economy – over a virus with a death rate no worse than the common flu – effectively cut off supply routes. *
(* Note UPS and FedEx stocks have more than doubled in price since last year)
And this is only the beginning for inflation.
Cue up our theme: 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Prices Hit Home.
How it All Sneaks Up on You
My contacts in the shipping industry assured me that the shortages in supplies – from computer chips to food and commodities – is the real 800lb. gorilla in the room.
And this confirms another theme we’ve been ranting about how we’re in the early stages of a Commodity Super-Cycle.
Why is this important?
Super cycles have been known to last up to 20 years.
Why else do you think guys like Bill Gates have become the largest farm land owners in America?
So, do the math.
If you’re the largest land owner and choose NOT to produce any crops on your land, you create shortages.
Shortages then increase demand.
Demand increases prices/inflation.
Are you Connecting the Dots, yet?
This isn’t about how cow farts are increasing Global Warming.
This is about control.
And systemic inflation will force more sheeple to be dependent on government hand-outs.
The sheeple in turn will surrender more of their rights as food prices – and most other commodities – get out of control.
So, what’s the solution for those who refuse to bury their head in the sand?
First, you must understand why shortages in food will fuel the Commodity Boom.
Second, then learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times every month in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend who’s clueless about inflation.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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