Have you ever experienced an event that reminded you of the expression “Perception is Reality?” It happened to me recently as I entered a store. I held the door open for an elderly gentleman who smiled at me and said, “Thank You, young man.”
I smiled back at him and said, “Who are you calling, young man?”
His response: “Compared to me, you’re a young man.”
This got me thinking: “He’s right…I don’t consider myself a young man but he sees me as one.”
This is very similar to how most people see the market these days.
They SEE it as dangerous…and memories of the 2008 meltdown are still fresh in their minds.
It’s understandable when you consider how so many people were wiped out in 2008-2009.
However, their “perception” of danger has caused them to miss out on The Most Hated Bull Market in History. And this perception’s going to keep them thinking “…Ain’t no way I’m gonna go back in the market now.”
Sound familiar?
Young Man Mistakes
This fear/perception that freezes people in their tracks is manufactured exploited by the Wall Street “Club” members.
And they are enabled by the Big Tech Media Presstitutes.
To keep you in a “constant state of agitation” so they can continue to pull off the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
Think I’m making this up?
Just look at the staggering increase of wealth among the elite 1% in the last few years and you’ll see how this is no laughing matter.
What’s ironic is how far too many people idolize worship the uber-wealthy.
Their misguided “perception” of wealth (and how wealth is accumulated) is what keeps them from making money.
And that won’t change unless they change how they think.
This is the heart of what we write about in our newsletter “…In Plain English.”
We also emphasize and teach you how to Listen to the Markets instead of the pundits on TV.
Change your perception of how to win on Wall Street by upgrading to our membership group (HERE).
And share this with a friend…They’ll thank YOU later.
But tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
2021 Perception is Reality
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