March 2025
March 9, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

What Ever Happened to Ashli Babbitt?

There have been no Riots for Ashli Babbitt.


If you ask a friend or acquaintance “What ever happened to Ashlil Babbitt?” …they’ll probably say, Who?

But if you ask that same friend about George Floyd, they’ll know exactly who you’re talking about.

Let’s compare the two.

Floyd was a career felon – who was high on fentanyl when he was caught in the act of committing another crime – met his demise while being arrested and filmed with a cop’s knee on his neck/shoulder area during his arrest.

Allegedly asphyxiation was the cause of death.

But, the autopsy report told a different story.

And after much controversy his cause of death was blamed on the fentanyl in his body.  Four times the amount that is considered lethal.

It was enough to kill a horse.

Ironically (or NOT) most media outlets failed to report that Floyd knew AND worked with the officer who arrested and supposedly suffocated him.

The rest – as they say – was history.

Thousands of businesses were destroyed – including billions in damages to cities all around the country – and many people were senselessly murdered from riots caused by Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups over the death of Floyd.

As of December 20, 2020, the official George Floyd Memorial Fund received over $17 Million in donations…the largest GoFundMe fundraiser in history.


Ashli Babbitt

Ashli Babbitt was a retired 14-year military veteran who was shot in the face by a plain clothes Capitol police officer on January 6, 2021 during the protests in DC.

Her crime?

She was sticking her head through a broken window.


Today, the officer who shot her is still in hiding… for his own safety?


We’re now looking at one of the most controversial trials in history.

And you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that more riots will occur if Floyd’s death is ruled an overdose.

But, according to certain Congress Critters, police are to stand down and let the Black Lives Matter rioter’s riot.

Ironically (or NOT) on this past Sunday, a protest for a “White Lives Matter” group in Huntington Beach, Ca. was declared an “Unlawful Assembly.”

And after only 90 minutes police shut them down.

Welcome to the “Race Wars of the 2020’s.”

We remind you that 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home, is just getting started.

So, regardless of the verdict in the Derek Chauvin/George Floyd trial, you should prepare for more civil unrest.

And, sadly, don’t expect to hear much more about Ashli Babbitt from the Big Tech media Presstitutes.

But don’t let that stop you from seeking the truth.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

~John 8:32~

We’re Not Just About Finance.




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