As we close out 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home, we’d like to pose the following question of “Who Wins in 2022?”
Unfortunately, we believe the problems of the Great Reset and Food Shortages will continue in 2022.
And they’ll likely be exacerbated by any globalist attempt to create a Man-Made Depression.
Part of that will include pitting Bitcoin against the Dollar.
Think of it as another desperate attempt by the Klaus Schwab/Build Back Better/World Economic Forum (WEF) crowd to purposely destroy the world economy AGAIN.
But why pit Bitcoin vs the Dollar?
It’s simple.
These globalists want to track everything that’s bought and sold and they know the only way to pull it off is to have a system with 100% digital money.
(Read: Why Bitcoin Investors Get Screwed in 2022 HERE and Bitcoin Backed Bonds Beats Banksters HERE).
And it’s already being implemented in Australia.
Wait! What?
That’s right.
And Germany is probably next.
So, Who Wins in 2022?
Contrary to popular belief it’s unlikely that everything will go digital any time in the near future.
As we’ve said before, 70% of the US paper dollars circulate outside the USA.
And money constantly rushes around the world – concentrating at times in a specific country – for a profit.
Obviously, we’re the concentration epicenter of money…for now.
And when money concentrates, it increases the domestic money supply.
Think of it like when a foreigner buys stocks, bonds, or property in your country.
The classic example of this was how the Roaring Twenties took place BECAUSE of World War I.
The capital fled Europe seeking safe harbor in the USA.
As a result, that increased the dollar and dollar investments.
And the dollar inflows peaked with the peak in real estate in 1927.
Sounding familiar?
We’re not there yet.
But…and this is a very big butt…
The Bitcoin Boyz (Cough! Central banks, Cough! Cough!) want you to believe that it’s a store of value.
Question: How can you call Bitcoin a store of value when, in 2021, it went from $30,000 up to over $63,000? And later went back to $30,000 and back up to over $64,000?
Answer: You can’t.
That’s precisely why the Dollar is still the best place to be.
And if you doubt it just ask the rest of the world where they want to put their money.
So, the battle of Who Wins in 2022 will won by the Dollar.
Bitcoin may hang tough for part of the year but will likely lose traction by the third quarter.
Bottom line: Don’t sell the dollar short.
Instead, learn how to take advantage of what could be the biggest rise of the Dollar in history.
And you can learn more about that (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they (like countless others) are making millions in Bitcoin. LOL!
They’ll thank you later.
From the entire staff of FinancialsMatter we wish you a:
Happy and Prosperous New Year
And remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
P.S. At Midnight tonight the special discount pricing on our newsletter will end. Don’t Miss out. Go HERE NOW!
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