$600 Billion is a lot of money by most standards. But it’s too little too late to save the West.
Cue up: The O’Biden and the G7 nations * pledge of $600bln to a new global infrastructure project for emerging market economies.
To counter the Chinese regime’s Belt and Road initiative.
(* Note Formerly known as the G8 before they booted Russia out)
These morons are either really stupid or they’ve been asleep for the last 20 years.
China’s Belt Road Initiative (BRI) originated in the early 2000s but was officially launched in 2013 for the purpose of re-creating the famous Chinese Silk Road.
And we even wrote about this over 4 years ago…
And at the time we noted how China purposely squeezed out the USA and most of the Western Nations by not accepting their bids for the largest infrastructure buildout in history.
By 2013 China had already put in place over $1 Trillion for the BRI…using over 100 countries and mostly Asian and Russian resources.
The purpose?
To resurrect ancient trade routes from Asia to Europe.
Waaaaayyy Too Little and Too Late
So now, 9+ years later the west finally thinks it’s a good idea to compete with China?
Maybe Stinky Joe is doing this for his 10% cut for the Big Guy. (10% of $600 Billion is $60 BILLION)
Or Maybe the West wants to use this as a distraction for Europe defaulting on its debt and are trying to convince us why they need to print TRILLIONS more.
Or Maybe JUST MAYBE this isn’t about the money…Especially in Asia and Eurasia where it’s about relationships and trust. And the fact is that so many countries no longer have any trust in the US.
And they’re tired of being pushed around and threatened with Sanctions.
They want to invest in a new future without US/USD hegemony.
Meanwhile, the gasbags in the West have very quietly taken the major focus on COVID funding OFF the agenda.
Is it just me or does that seem odd to you too?
Or is that the real agenda behind pledging $600 Billion?
Even if they were to move forward it’s still waaayyyy too little too late to have any significant effect.
But if you want to know how far ahead China is in this game, check out the numerous articles we’ve written about it (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they don’t know about the BRI.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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