The O’Biden/Hologram administration continued their assault on the Constitution last week by ordering 56 Trump appointed US attorneys to resign or be fired.
The reason?
Because they are Republican.
But the hidden reason is more sinister.
This ensures that Hunter Biden will never be investigated.
And, like most other new O’Biden/Hologram policies, this flies in the face of the Rule of Law.
Flagrant Discrimination
Put this in perspective.
In Plain English, this is saying that you as a citizen – or especially a business owner – cannot discriminate against a transgender. But you CAN discriminate against someone based on who they voted for.
This level of corruption is simply off the charts.
Trump Appointed US Attorneys…Why?
And yet the sheeple remain silent while Hunter Biden gets a “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
It’s disgusting.
And you can thank the equally repugnant William Barr – who protected Biden and his son – by refusing to appoint a special prosecutor over Hunter Biden.
This raises an interesting question.
Why would anyone want a career in government if, when the party changes, they just fire anyone from the opposite party?
And yet, that’s what’s happening right under our collective noses.
Once again, we remind you to Follow the Money by asking, “Who benefits from this?”
Spoiler alert…China!
The funneling recycling of Billions of US dollars (Cough! Stimulus Money aka: $1.9Trillion American Rescue Plan Act, COUGH!) will continue to go to China.
In return, they’ll hold their blackmail cards on Hunter Biden for the time being.
And they’ll use some of their ill-gotten gains to stuff the pockets of those in power who made this happen.
Are you Connecting the Dots yet?
Who do you think facilitates this movement of Trillions of dollars?
If you guessed “Wall Street Banksters,” then Ding! Ding! Ding!… you win the $1,400 stimulus check to ease your pain and suffering.
Do the math.
If everyone in America (approximately 340 Million) got a $1,400 check – and we know that’s not gonna happen – that would equal $475 Billion.
So, where’s the other $1.425 Trillion going?
And with the recent removal of 56 Trump appointed Attorneys, you can rest assured that no one will be brought to task on this.
Before you can make sense of this you need to learn how to “Connect the Dots” (Free article HERE).
And be sure to read our March newsletter featuring “The Fall of the Cabal Part II” (HERE).
We’re Not Just About Finance.
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