If you can remove yourself – from emotions of hysteria fueled by the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes – and look at the numbers, you’ll be amazed.
Compliments of Rush Limbaugh:
“60 million Americans were infected with the swine flu resulting in 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths. No media panic, no trashing of President Barack Obama and no travel ban. You don’t even remember it.”
When you compare those numbers to the Covid-19/CoronaVirus/Kung Flu numbers, you almost have to conclude that this hysteria has been carried out as a Political Coup or just plain academic incompetence.
Since the outset (back in January) we’ve been saying how this whole ordeal can easily be a major distraction to the underlying problems in the REPO market that could “cause the DOW to fall 4,000 points as early as February.” (read: “46 Million Chinese Contained over “Kung-Flu” posted 01/24/20)
Although we were right on the money with our February call admittedly, we underestimated the severity of decline. By late March, the DOW had dropped over 10,000 points.
Which brings me back to my political coup angle.
We now know that numerous high-level officials were given “the nod” in January to sell ALL their stocks AND bonds before the crash.
Most of these cretins are the ones leading the charge of criticism about how Trump’s been handling the CoronaChaos.
I think not.
This is a flat-out political coup against Trump…and these morons don’t care about how they’ve destroyed the global economy through their hatred and evil agenda for power and control over the sheeple.
Speaking of evil agenda, this whole mess is empowering the newly titled “Creepiest Man On the Planet” – Bill Gates – to advance his push for mandatory vaccines along with implanting RFID chips into every human on the planet (conveniently under the guise of fighting the CoronaVirus…who’s death toll is still ONE TENTH of the normal flu).
Go ahead, Google ID2020.
And while you’re at it, look up how the Gates Foundation has given $13.5 Million to the Anthony Fauci (Dr. Fart) Foundation AND – back in October 2019 – Gates announced a pledge to spend $100 MILLION in what has to be a major conflict of interest.
Gates is funding Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates That Would Compete with Chloroquine, and Dr. Fart’s Agency is Co-Partnering on the Project.
Be sure to read our April edition of “…In Plain English” to learn how to fight back against this madness.
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
~Revelation 13:17~
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