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46 Million Chinese Contained Over Kung-Flu


Sometimes I think people are just plain stupid.

I say that because the recent panic in China – over the outbreak of the Wuhan Coronavirus – has forced Chinese officials to contain over 46 Million people.

(That’s greater than the population of California.)

Seriously, how do you contain that many people?

It’s actually quite simple.

Tell them they’re all gonna die from a crazy new disease that no one knows about.

What’s really stupid about this is how the sheeple believe what they hear from the Whores-of-Babble-On media.

Fact:  So far 25 people have died from the Wuhan Coronavirus…aka: Kung-Flu.

Do the math…25 out of 46,000,000 is 0.00000054%

This reminds me of the famous “Bird Flu” scare hoax from 2002.

At that time, the leading Scottish expert on Bird Flu said that without a doubt the Bird Flu virus will wipe out over one third of the global population within 5 years (approximately 2.1 Billion people).

The death count from the bird flu was 144.

Yet, the pharmaceutical companies went crazy (and made fortunes) creating vaccines and other medicines to treat the deadly bird flu.

So, here we are, 18 years later and China has created their version of the Bird Flu 2.0.

It makes you wonder if this a distraction over John Kapoor, the founder of Insys Pharmaceutical – being sentenced to prison time on Thursday – for bribing doctors to over-prescribe deadly opioids.

Is this the old “Look here…don’t look there” tactic?

Meanwhile, on Friday, S&P futures soared to all time highs as traders shrugged off the alleged Global Viral Epidemic…only to end the day negative.

You need to be careful here.

These kinds of distractions head fakes could cause the DOW to fall 4,000 points as early as February.

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