It’s bad enough that we’ve given in excess of $60 Billion to Ukraine but now they expect $45 Billion More?
And adding insult to injury the true Nazi Zelensky is saying to OUR CONGRESS that $45 Billion isn’t enough.
Talk about ungrateful.
Let’s get some perspective here.
- $45 Billion is more than the entire GDP of Ukraine last year.
- Russia’s total military expenses were $65 Billion.
And this ungrateful SOB wants more?
And him addressing our Congress brings up an interesting question that the world may soon ask.
Is flying Zelensky on a U.S. Air Force jet and allowing him to address our Congress a declaration of war against Russia.
Keep in mind that only six years ago, this comedian president was performing for audiences by playing a piano with his penis.
And the video is available on the YouTube link below…if you can stomach seeing it.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy 2016 Playing Piano with Penis
(211) Volodymyr Zelenskyy 2016 Playing Piano with Penis – YouTube
$45 Billion More AND…
Meanwhile, in addition to the $45 Billion, O’Biden is giving up our Patriot Missiles to Ukraine…just like we said in our recent Saturday Rant…Don’t Trust Ukraine (Here)
At this point I don’t what else to say except Poking Bears in the middle of winter is never wise.
Question: Has anyone thought to ask: Has this ever worked in the past?
Sad to say our Uber corrupt politicians will never ask that question.
Because it would be met with a resounding NO!
And given that the clock is now ticking, Moscow will likely unleash more intense and escalatory airstrikes on Ukrainian cities and command and control bases.
As a result, the West will collectively cry out how Putin is going to destroy the world.
And if we don’t go to war with Russia, we’re all gonna die.
So, can you blame Putin?
If you struggle to answer that question then reverse the scenario.
What would a normal American President do (present company excepted) if Russia was supplying Billions to a nation to provoke us to war?
In any event, allowing Zelensky to speak in front of our Congress, while watching sickening politicians give him praise and honor – comparing him to Churchill – should make you want to puke.
They mock us openly.
And these demonstrations of insane behavior/political posturing will be gasoline to the inferno of the Political Chaos 2023.
Are you awake yet?
If not then read our January issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) to get a better feel for what to expect and how to deal with it in 2023.
And while you’re at it, be sure to take advantage of a 50% discount for our newsletter as a Christmas present.
Go (HERE) and use the code Save 50.
Share this with a friend…especially if they haven’t seen Zelensky’s comedy videos.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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