Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

37 Years Ago Today…

It is hard to believe that 37 years ago today we survived the historic ’87 crash.

And we say Historic because on that memorable day, the DOW index lost 22.5%.

In today’s dollars that is equal to a 9,736-point loss in one day.


And that’s why we laugh at most market pundits when they cry about a measly 500-, 600-, or 1,000-point loss in today’s markets.


Ironically (or NOT) and based on current conditions (unlike in 1987), we could be looking at an historic short squeeze.




Because the markets have failed to lose 90% of its value – as the doom porn freaks have been saying.


FYI, a short squeeze occurs when the markets sell off dramatically (like recently).

And then they rebound – with massive buy programs against all logic – leaving the average investor saying WTF.


As a result, the institutions make a fortune at YOUR expense.


And the ones who are “short” the market get squeezed/forced into buying back their short positions…and the markets rise.


Ironically (or NOT) a lot of this is accompanied by interventions from the Plunge Protection Team (PPT).


READ:  Wall Street’s Secret Language (HERE)


So, an historic short squeeze is just another way for the Boyz in the “Club” to plunder and pillage the 99%.

It’s nothing new.


In fact, Wall Street has an acronym for it as well.

It’s SSDD.

Translation:  Same S**t Different Decade. *



Short Squeeze and Acronyms


In case you missed it, we’ve created a list of what we call “Annoying Acronyms” that Wall Street uses to describe their hidden agendas (HERE).

And it’s part of the financial worlds “Secret Language” that the average investor rarely understands.

Like any profession, there is a language spoken that is common among that group but foreign to those outside of that group.


Unfortunately, the Whores-Of-Babble-On Media Presstitutes give you the impression that by listening to them you’ll gain an inside advantage.


Nothing could be further from the truth.


Because that is like you hearing a doctor describe medical procedures or parts of your body – that you know nothing about – and thinking you’re an expert on the subject.


The same can be said for attorneys talking about precepts of the law.

Most people don’t understand legalese but act like they do so they don’t appear to be dumb.

And that’s how investors fall prey to Wall Street’s secret language.


37 Years Ago



37 years ago, there was no short squeeze.


So, when the markets respond in an Historic Short Squeeze you must wonder, are they setting you up for another fall?


Find out the answers in the October issue of …In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they think they understand Wall Street’s Secret Language. They’ll thank YOU later.


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