The collapse of New York’s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001 is arguably one of the most well documented events in human history.
Unfortunately, the controversy over why the buildings fell, as they did, remains a mystery…Especially WTC bldg. #7.
WTC 7 – the 47-story high-rise – collapsed into its footprint Demolition Style in just over 6 seconds.
Unlike the twin towers, WTC 7 was never hit by a plane, missile, or a bomb.
Instead, the collapse was blamed on “Office Fires.”
It’s very strange when you consider that NEVER BEFORE IN HISTORY has a steel and concrete office building collapsed Demolition Style from office fires.
Ironically (or NOT) after nearly two decades of research, the conclusion of what happened to WTC 7 was that it DID NOT COLLAPSE FROM FIRES.
As you might expect, this information was quietly revealed at the end of March 2020.
How convenient!
Recall, if you will how, back in March – which seems like a lifetime ago – the stock market was in a freefall and the entire world appeared to be collapsing over fear caused by the CoronaHoax.
The boyz in the “Club” are masters of distraction to the point where we, as a nation, have almost forgotten what happened on 09/11/2001.
We Must Never Forget.
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