If there were 10 Million Billionaires out there their percentage of the global population would be 0.00133 percent.
Do the math 10 million divided by 7.5 Billion people equal 0.00133 percent.
In other words, it’s nowhere near 1%.
We’ve been so conditioned to refer to the wealthy as the 1% vs the 99%.
And as we are wont to say, the 1% needs the 99% to be wrong in order to make fortunes at YOUR expense.
And that’s all true.
But the reason we use 1% is to make things simple and easy to understand.
The truth is there are currently 2, 755 billionaires (NOT 10 million) in the world.
So, let’s do the math again.
2,755 divided by 7, 500,000,000 people in the world = 0.000000367333 percent.
Count ‘em to make sure.
There are SIX Zeroes after the decimal point.
Not Even Close to 10 Million Billionaires
In other words, billionaires make up way, Way, WAAAYYY less than 1%.
And yet they control most of what goes on in the world.
Scary, isn’t it?
Especially when you realize that guys like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros – who all have nefarious agendas for their New World Order – all push for the Great Reset.
Why do we bring this up?
It’s simple.
It’s a great way to illustrate how small, yet powerful these boyz in the “Club” are.
At the same time, these boyz in the “Club” are clueless when it comes to understanding what life is like for the other 99.9999996326%.
As a result, they’re also clueless when it comes to how the “little guy” has a great advantage over them when it comes to investing.
Wait! What?
That’s right.
A small investor – like most of us – can’t manipulate the markets like the big boyz do.
However, we can take advantage of their manipulating tactics – like when you see severe moves up AND down – by staying “in between” their trades.
Huh? Ruh, Roh!
That’s right, Scooby.
And it’s easier than you might think.
Especially for those with “Ears to Hear.”
To learn more, be sure to read our July edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Some of the trading tactics we’re sharing with you are soooo easy that you’ll need someone to help you misunderstand them.
Upgrade to our Premium Content and see for yourself.
And feel free to share this with your “Cousin Eddie” who believes he knows everything when it comes to investing.
He might not thank you later.
But we will.
And remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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