Two years ago, we experienced a January “Market-Glitch” causing a multi-trillion-dollar market cap rollercoaster ride in a matter of hours.
This was counter to what traders refer to as the “January Effect.” *
(* Note: The January Effect refers to the hypothesis that, in January, stock market prices have the tendency to rise more than in any other month.)
But based on liquidity issues, combined with more bizarre unprecedented political actions – unlike we’ve seen in history – we wonder if another Market Glitch is on the horizon.
Ironically (or NOT) a “Market-Glitch” can hit you at any given time without warning…unless you are one of the Boyz in the “Club.”
Example: Do you remember when this happened with Robin Hood?
Wait! Who?
How quickly we forget how Robinhood (HOOD) was a merry band of trading pranksters who shook up the Boyz on Wall Street…at least for a short time.
But as RobinHood found out… when trading didn’t go according to central planning, the Boyz “shut down” the system…and blamed it on a “Market-Glitch.”
The casino owners can’t lose because the casino rules are completely in their control.
And the rules are whatever they decide they are based on… casino owners’ self-interest.
The Next Market-Glitch
So, in the event some major players (Cough! Blackrock, Cough! Vanguard, Cough! Cough!) need to dump some of their toxic holdings (Cough! Pfizer, Hairball Cough!) and “accidentally” sell too many shares, it will be blamed on a market-glitch.
And the ones who will suffer the most are the small investors who read and follow the financial media Presstitutes ongoing lies and propaganda.
We bring this up to remind you about How to Thrive in 2025 and how you need to be on your toes for the “January Effect” and/or an unexpected Market-Glitch.
When will it happen?
We don’t know nor will we predict a date.
But you can rest assured that a Market-Glitch will happen again.
And you will hear the Boyz in the “Club” predictably say:
“I’m shocked I tell you…Shocked. Who could’ve foreseen this happening.”
So, instead of waiting to see when it happens, get a jump start on what to expect by reading our upcoming January issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
As a result, you’ll be better equipped to prosper AND thrive from it (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they’ve never heard of a Wall Street ‘Glitch.’
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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But we use finance to give you hope.
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